Race | Left Team | Right Team | Format | Division |
1 | Only Pecham Pooches | Muskerhound Myway | 1of15 | Division 5 |
2 | Lichfield Lone Stars | Phantom Flash | 2of15 | Division 5 |
3 | Keep Calm and Carry on | Houston mae gennym ni broblam | 3of15 | Division 5 |
4 | Muskerhound Myway | Lichfield Lone Stars | 4of15 | Division 5 |
5 | Keep Calm and Carry on | Only Pecham Pooches | 5of15 | Division 5 |
6 | Houston mae gennym ni broblam | Phantom Flash | 6of15 | Division 5 |
7 | Only Pecham Pooches | Lichfield Lone Stars | 7of15 | Division 5 |
8 | Phantom Flash | Keep Calm and Carry on | 8of15 | Division 5 |
9 | Houston mae gennym ni broblam | Muskerhound Myway | 9of15 | Division 5 |
10 | Lichfield | Wire Flash | 1of15 | Division 2 |
11 | Only Del Boys Pooches | IsleofMan Flyball - 3 Legs | 2of15 | Division 2 |
12 | Fylde Coasters | Aurora Borealis | 3of15 | Division 2 |
13 | Wire Flash | Only Del Boys Pooches | 4of15 | Division 2 |
14 | Fylde Coasters | Lichfield | 5of15 | Division 2 |
15 | Aurora Borealis | IsleofMan Flyball - 3 Legs | 6of15 | Division 2 |
16 | Lichfield | Only Del Boys Pooches | 7of15 | Division 2 |
17 | IsleofMan Flyball - 3 Legs | Fylde Coasters | 8of15 | Division 2 |
18 | Aurora Borealis | Wire Flash | 9of15 | Division 2 |
19 | Aurora | Trigger Happy | 1of15 | Division 1 |
20 | Phantom Fury | Only Fools & Pooches | 2of15 | Division 1 |
21 | Blue Sky | Live Wires | 3of15 | Division 1 |
22 | Trigger Happy | Phantom Fury | 4of15 | Division 1 |
23 | Blue Sky | Aurora | 5of15 | Division 1 |
24 | Live Wires | Only Fools & Pooches | 6of15 | Division 1 |
25 | Aurora | Phantom Fury | 7of15 | Division 1 |
26 | Only Fools & Pooches | Blue Sky | 8of15 | Division 1 |
27 | Live Wires | Trigger Happy | 9of15 | Division 1 |
28 | Houston Clangers | Blue Sky Thinkers | 1of12 | Foundation 1 |
29 | Conwy Cadets | Catch You L8R | 2of12 | Foundation 1 |
30 | Lichfield Rubies | Fylde Hot Dogs | 3of12 | Foundation 1 |
31 | Blue Sky Thinkers | Conwy Cadets | 4of12 | Foundation 1 |
32 | Lichfield Rubies | Houston Clangers | 5of12 | Foundation 1 |
33 | Fylde Hot Dogs | Catch You L8R | 6of12 | Foundation 1 |
34 | Catch Us If You Dare | Spicy Bytes | 1of14 | Foundation 2 |
35 | Houston the Beagle has landed | Puparazzi Prefects | 2of14 | Foundation 2 |
36 | Only Nag's Head Nippers | Wire Academy | 3of14 | Foundation 2 |
37 | Spicy Bytes | IsleofMan Flyball | 4of14 | Foundation 2 |
38 | Puparazzi Prefects | Catch Us If You Dare | 5of14 | Foundation 2 |
39 | Wire Academy | Houston the Beagle has landed | 6of14 | Foundation 2 |
40 | IsleofMan Flyball | Only Nag's Head Nippers | 7of14 | Foundation 2 |
41 | Lichfield Lone Stars | Keep Calm and Carry on | 10of15 | Division 5 |
42 | Only Pecham Pooches | Houston mae gennym ni broblam | 11of15 | Division 5 |
43 | Muskerhound Myway | Phantom Flash | 12of15 | Division 5 |
44 | Houston mae gennym ni broblam | Lichfield Lone Stars | 13of15 | Division 5 |
45 | Keep Calm and Carry on | Muskerhound Myway | 14of15 | Division 5 |
46 | Phantom Flash | Only Pecham Pooches | 15of15 | Division 5 |
47 | Only Del Boys Pooches | Fylde Coasters | 10of15 | Division 2 |
48 | Lichfield | Aurora Borealis | 11of15 | Division 2 |
49 | Wire Flash | IsleofMan Flyball - 3 Legs | 12of15 | Division 2 |
50 | Aurora Borealis | Only Del Boys Pooches | 13of15 | Division 2 |
51 | Fylde Coasters | Wire Flash | 14of15 | Division 2 |
52 | IsleofMan Flyball - 3 Legs | Lichfield | 15of15 | Division 2 |
53 | Phantom Fury | Blue Sky | 10of15 | Division 1 |
54 | Aurora | Live Wires | 11of15 | Division 1 |
55 | Trigger Happy | Only Fools & Pooches | 12of15 | Division 1 |
56 | Live Wires | Phantom Fury | 13of15 | Division 1 |
57 | Blue Sky | Trigger Happy | 14of15 | Division 1 |
58 | Only Fools & Pooches | Aurora | 15of15 | Division 1 |
59 | Houston Clangers | Conwy Cadets | 7of12 | Foundation 1 |
60 | Catch You L8R | Lichfield Rubies | 8of12 | Foundation 1 |
61 | Fylde Hot Dogs | Blue Sky Thinkers | 9of12 | Foundation 1 |
62 | Conwy Cadets | Lichfield Rubies | 10of12 | Foundation 1 |
63 | Houston Clangers | Fylde Hot Dogs | 11of12 | Foundation 1 |
64 | Blue Sky Thinkers | Catch You L8R | 12of12 | Foundation 1 |
65 | Catch Us If You Dare | Wire Academy | 8of14 | Foundation 2 |
66 | Spicy Bytes | Houston the Beagle has landed | 9of14 | Foundation 2 |
67 | Only Nag's Head Nippers | Puparazzi Prefects | 10of14 | Foundation 2 |
68 | IsleofMan Flyball | Catch Us If You Dare | 11of14 | Foundation 2 |
69 | Wire Academy | Spicy Bytes | 12of14 | Foundation 2 |
70 | Houston the Beagle has landed | Only Nag's Head Nippers | 13of14 | Foundation 2 |
71 | Puparazzi Prefects | IsleofMan Flyball | 14of14 | Foundation 2 |